Zossener Straße 55–58, Seifen-Höfe

Zossener Straße 55–58 

10961 Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg    


An office complex located on Zossener Straße in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin, comprising over 18,000 m² of GLA.

In 1905, the soap manufacturer Rudolf Herrmann built the industrial building on the estate at Zossener Straße in Berlin’s district of Kreuzberg. In 1911, a trading company joined the site with its representative office. In 1975, GSG Berlin acquired both properties and combined them to form a large commercial complex.


18,000 m²


Andreas Kettner

Asset Manager


Zossener Straße 55–58, Seifen-Höfe

Zossener Straße 55–58 

10961 Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg    


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